What to Make of Ecuador’s Crisis Election (Spanish)

Daniel Noboa Defeats 21st-Century Socialism, Faces Unprecedented Challenges

For Sebastián Díaz and Mauro Echeverría, Noboa’s capacity to address the chief concerns of Ecuadorians remains a mystery.

IO Livestream | Episode 1

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Sebastián Díaz—an Impunity Observer policy analyst—and Mauro Echeverría—Impunity Observer deputy editor—explain how Ecuadorian President-Elect Daniel Noboa won the election against Correísmo. Further, they analyze the main challenges that Noboa will face in his term, which will last one year and a half, given that Guillermo Lasso dissolved Congress six months ago.

For Díaz and Echeverría, Noboa’s capacity to address the chief concerns of Ecuadorians—the insecurity crisis and lack of economic opportunities—remains a mystery. They contend, however, that the president-elect will work swiftly to tackle these issues because he will need to make a name for himself before seeking reelection in 2025.

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Mauro Echeverría

Mauro Echeverría is Econ Americas’ deputy editor. He holds a BA in international relations with minors in political science and anthropology from the San Francisco University of Quito. Mauro leads the research on local economic development at the Ecuadorian think tank Libre Razón.

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