Fernando Linares: Guatemalan Election Results Do Not Pass Smell Test

Constituent Assemblyman Petitions to Enforce Law, Annul 2023 Outcome

Fernando Linares: election results do not pass smell test. For Linares, the 2023 Guatemalan presidential election was a fraud.

IO Podcast|Episode 32

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Fernando Linares—a Guatemalan lawyer and former congressman—has initiated the legal process to remove the president and 24 congressmen. All belong to President Bernardo Arévalo’s suspended Semilla party. According to Linares, this party has committed numerous illegalities, such as falsely registering more than 8,000 members to qualify for the ballot. He explains that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal should annul the 2023 elections and hold fresh elections in 2024.

For Linares, the 2023 Guatemalan presidential election was a fraud. He contends that the US State Department and the European Union catapulted then unknown Arévalo to qualify and eventually win the electoral runoff. With the fraud, he contends, foreign socialist bureaucrats will have a globalist in office in Guatemala, an otherwise conservative nation.

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Fergus Hodgson

Publisher: Fergus Hodgson, CAIA, is the director of Econ Americas, a financial and economic consultancy. He holds an MBA in finance from Rice University and bachelor’s degrees in economics and political science from Boston University and the University of Waikato. He was the founding editor in chief of the PanAm Post. Follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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