Jim Simpson: Destabilization Is Tactic to Undermine US Institutions

Downward Spiral Is by the Left's Design

IO Podcast | Episode 43

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Our podcast guest, James Simpson, has authored Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America (2024). His goal is to raise awareness of the tactics the left uses to weaken the political system in the United States. According to Simpson, the left—embodied by both the dominant faction of the Democratic Party and woke ideologues—executed the strategy a long time ago, when they tried to collapse the welfare system and foment violence. 

In the 1990s, Bill Clinton reformed the welfare system by adding requirements to recipients, but Barack Obama reversed that reform in 2010. Simpson notes some Democrat state legislators turning Republican. They understand the radical goals their party now holds. 

The podcast episode finishes with a brief US election analysis. Simpson explains the challenges and opportunities derived from the election results and how Trump can seize the momentum for change if he wins. 

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Steven Hecht

Editor at Large Steve Hecht is a businessman, writer, and film producer, born and raised in New York. He has lived and worked in Guatemala since 1972. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and a Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance, both from Columbia University. He has worked on development projects in Guatemala to help the country leave its underdeveloped state and reach its great potential. Realizing the misconceptions prevalent about Guatemala and Latin America in the outside world, he has written for the Washington Times, Daily Caller, Fox News, Epoch Times, BizPac Review, Washington Examiner, Frontpage Mag, New English Review, PanAm Post, and PJ Media. He has appeared as a guest on national American media networks and programs, including the One America News, Newsmax, and The Lars Larson Show. Steve’s reporting has included meeting with coyotes, the human smugglers who have ferried millions of illegal immigrants into the United States via Guatemala’s 595-mile border with Mexico.

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