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Desperate US Officials Need Subservient Guatemalan President

The State Department Is the Problem (Part II)

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Editor\’s note: this is the second installment of a four-part series on the US State Department\’s interest in the 2023 Guatemalan elections. See Part I here, Part III here, and Part IV here.

If the US State Department (DOS) gains control of Guatemala the nation will become a dictatorship run by the likes of Juan Francisco Sandoval, Erika Aifán, and Thelma Aldana. DOS would impose its leftist ideology, as demonstrated when Aldana and former Ambassador Todd Robinson flew the gay-pride flag outside the Public Ministry and the US embassy. Just as in the United States, Guatemala would have homosexual marriage, abortion on demand, and progressive (fluid) gender ideology.

The DOS collectivist ideology means government centralization. This harms rural areas by making government inaccessible to its inhabitants. Unnecessary regulations also worsen corruption and coincide with arbitrary application ol law. Impeded economic activity is inevitable.

The Alternative to DOS Control

Opportunity depends on investment, which requires legal certainty. Investors want to know whether the law will be impartially applied by the judiciary to enforce contracts and protect against arbitrary acts of government. These are typical of collectivism, in which the ends justify the means.

The individualism contained in Guatemala’s Constitution is diametrically opposed to DOS collectivism. Individualism requires decentralization and eliminating unnecessary regulations.

With rule of law, Guatemalans would determine their own destiny. It would be impossible to impose gender ideology, homosexual marriage, or abortion on them because Guatemalans have shown repeatedly that they nearly all reject these social policies.

Moving toward rule of law and limited, decentralized government is the path to prosperity and liberty. Guatemala\’s national characteristics and resources give it great potential. The tyrants of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua are rooting for DOS to complete its conquest of Guatemala to keep it from creating a competing model that would undermine them.

Identify DOS Candidates and Those Likely to Cave

Collectivists are intolerant and demand conformity, which makes it difficult for DOS candidates to take a firm stance against DOS positions.

However, accomplished liars, such as former US President Barack Obama and some former Guatemalan presidents, are experts at deception. They can smoothly promise every person a turkey for Christmas while promising the turkeys there will be no Christmas.

Voters must insist candidates take unambiguous positions on an array of issues and look for inconsistencies.

Social Issues

Polls have consistently shown that almost 90 percent of Guatemalans oppose homosexual marriage, abortion, and gender ideology (fluidity). A nominee for the US Supreme Court could not tell Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) what a woman is at her confirmation hearing. Of course she knew. When the senator pressed her, the nominee said the woman she admires most–-her mother—was in the room. Easy: only a woman can give birth.

Guatemalans do not want this lunacy. They have two genders: male and female. Either a person has XX or XY chromosomes. The State Department and USAID are spending money in Guatemala to attempt to change the culture, to impose their lunacy on Guatemalans.

Voters should insist that candidates make clear their stance on these issues. Are they in favor of changing the Constitution to legalize abortion? To legalize homosexual marriage? To teach children it is normal for boys to become girls and girls to become boys?

Of course politicians promise much and deliver little. Just a statement is insufficient. Candidates must have a consistent record. The fanatics who want to impose their ideology and morality discourage their candidates from taking opposite positions.

DOS candidates will try to give murky answers. Insist on clarity. Look for any hint of inconsistency or hesitancy. Do not vote for a candidate who does not speak clearly, who changes the subject when confronted.


A report published in 2018 exposed the real CICIG, the so-called US anti-impunity commission. Part of the report is the story of an indigenous man persecuted by guerrilla successors, including the URNG Party. The CICIG and the judiciary, taken over by DOS, protected the criminals who tortured their victims. The CICIG had become what it was created to eliminate: a group that deprived Guatemalans of their fundamental rights and that was beyond the reach of the law.

Voters and media should ask the candidates about the CICIG. Any candidate who hesitates to condemn or avoids condemning the CICIG for its crimes or proposes creating any similar kind of organization is likely someone who will be run by DOS.

The United Nations

The United Nations might be the most corrupt organization on the planet. About $10 billion was stolen from the oil-for-food program in Iraq while Saddam Hussein was under international sanctions. Not one person has been charged for this theft.

The United Nations has a knack for pretty words, but consistently does the opposite of what it says. It is no friend of Guatemala. The United Nations created the CICIG. However, when the CICIG became clearly engaged in criminal activity in Guatemala, the UN secretary general defended and protected the criminality.

As a corrupt, globalist organization run by its socialist current secretary general, the United Nations promotes the same social policies as DOS. In addition to backing CICIG criminality, UN alignment with CICIG was to create a dictatorship in Guatemala.

Specific UN initiatives might do some good, but on net there is no doubt the United Nations is harmful to liberty. The United Nations is collectivist, an ideological inclination Guatemalans have consistently rejected.

Voters should ask candidates to take a clear stand regarding the United Nations. Any candidate who supports what the United Nations has done to and in Guatemala will be part of the destructive DOS agenda.

Editor\’s note: the third installment offers more ways to identify DOS-favored candidates.

This article reflects the views of the author and not necessarily the views of the Impunity Observer.
Este artículo refleja únicamente la opinión del autor, mas no necesariamente la opinión del Impunity Observer.

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