The Bloomberg report “Guatemala’s Next Leader Says Slow-Motion Coup Threatens Economy” is a lie on every level. There is no coup, and the economic threat is Joe Biden regime criminality. Bloomberg, with its fake news, is a mouthpiece for the regime agenda.
Guatemalan President-Elect Bernardo Arévalo, when confronted with legitimate investigations, alleges an illegal effort to keep him from taking office. Bloomberg gives zero explanation for the investigation of Arévalo’s Semilla party. Instead, Bloomberg lazily offers an Arévalo press release. The report promotes the notion that his not taking office would cause disastrous economic consequences and promote migration to the United States.
The coup Bloomberg refers to is the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) investigations stemming from more than 1,000 criminal complaints of electoral fraud and fraud in Semilla’s party registration. Arévalo, the Biden regime, and Bloomberg accuse Prosecutor General Consuelo Porras of acting corruptly to keep him from taking office.
A civic association dedicated to the rule of law says the Biden regime has perpetrated electoral fraud to make Arévalo president. In addition, recent violence and blockading of PGO offices stems from the Biden regime and US taxpayer funding.
Contrary to Bloomberg‘s report, Arévalo will cause migration because he is an anticapitalist. His Semilla party website refers to “odious inequalities generated by uncontrolled capitalism.” The Semilla line is a straw man to promote wealth redistribution; Guatemala hardly has uncontrolled capitalism.
Porras is a key figure in fighting human and narcotics trafficking because she is dedicated to the law. A Justice Department (DOJ) March 16 press release “thanks Guatemalan law enforcement” for its unprecedented cooperation regarding extraditions of human smugglers. The DOJ said the success sent a message to criminals that they are not safe south of the border.
The DOJ did not mention Porras’s pivotal role in the law enforcement. By constitutional mandate the PGO is the only entity that can bring criminal charges, including extradition requests. The DOJ omission is likely attributable to State Department (DOS) pressure because it has sanctioned Porras.
In a departing interview in August, US Ambassador to Guatemala William Popp stated that the DOS could not work with the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) in a “programmatic way” and noted Porras had been sanctioned. However, Popp took credit for 125 extraditions to the United States that were directly attributable to Porras.
The DOS cited Porras’s firing of former prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval when it sanctioned her in 2021. Porras explained that Sandoval withheld a specific case from her for two years. That case—filed by the US Homeland Security Department in 2019—involved a USAID recipient misusing grant money.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken subsequently honored Sandoval despite his obstruction of justice and other serious crimes. Sandoval left Guatemala the day he was fired and now resides in the United States under DOS protection. The DOJ has not honored extradition requests for Sandoval but has praised the PGO and Porras’s extraditions to the United States.
The DOS has called the electoral and Semilla fraud investigations, which Porras was legally obligated to initiate, an antidemocratic attempt to overturn the election. The PGO has uncovered more than 8,000 falsified documents Semilla used to meet its 25,000-person registration requirement.
On September 12 the PGO executed a search warrant for electoral materials. The PGO discovered that documents were not where the law required them to be, a crime for which the electoral authorities, highly praised by the DOS, are responsible.
On September 30, the PGO executed a search of the electoral authority, whose magistrates committed a crime by trying to physically restrain PGO agents. The DOS accused the PGO of undermining democratic institutions. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan accused the PGO of attempting to “intimidate election authorities and prevent the peaceful transition of power.” Video recordings showed Sullivan was lying.
If Bloomberg were a legitimate news service, it would have added context and asked Arévalo about these discrepancies. However, Bloomberg is an enabler in the Biden regime’s globalist betrayal of the United States.
To stem migration, Guatemala must create about 200,000 new jobs per year, which means at least $2 billion in investments. The DOS and its criminal agents, some of whom Arévalo praised and visited on his recent trip, have been disastrous for Guatemala’s economy.
Porras represents proper application of law. However, the Biden regime and its media partners call her corrupt because that includes prosecuting DOS criminal agents for their crimes.
Two and a half years remain in Porras’s term, and she cannot be removed from office. The Biden regime and Arévalo have demonized Porras to push her to resign. Failing that, they have unleashed USAID-funded NGOs to block roads and PGO offices. The NGO thugs even invaded and vandalized Porras’s residence. DOS, Arévalo, and Bloomberg call these peaceful protests.
Arévalo attended a Puebla Group meeting in September. He fit in well with representatives of fellow travelers Nicolás Maduro, Gustavo Petro, and Luiz “Lula” da Silva, among other Latin American politicians aligned with Iran and Communist China. The Semilla party has just joined Progressive International, which openly supports Hamas.
The Biden regime is bullying Guatemala into not applying its laws, since they would keep Arévalo from becoming president. The Biden regime is working against US interests, and Arévalo is projecting his own corruption onto his opponents. He would harm Guatemala and the United States, and Bloomberg is spreading regime lies.
Read the original on BizPac Review.
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