George Orwell’s 1984: Is It Already Here or Is It Coming Soon?
Orwell\’s Prediction Is Closer Than Ever to Becoming a Reality
Orwell\’s Prediction Is Closer Than Ever to Becoming a Reality
La predicción de Orwell está más cerca que nunca de volverse realidad
Leave on Your Own Terms before Guatemala Shows You the Door
Imagine what would happen in Mexico if foreign bureaucrats tried to do what they do here in broad daylight?
A cualquier observador imparcial de la vida pública en este paÃs le debiera sorprender la súbita e inexplicable prisa que un puñado de diputados quiere imprimir a la discusión de
You’ve already let me know, in countless different ways, what you think of me. My answer to you has been in process for nearly 60 years.
Guatemala has lately been a focus of international attention, and the present writers have extensive knowledge of the politics of this country. Even so, we were surprised when we were contacted by a reporter from the McClatchy news organization, which has a wide reach in US news markets.
In late 2011, Guatemala’s powerful attorney general, Claudia Paz y Paz, brought criminal charges of genocide against the country’s former leader, General Efrain Rios Montt.
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